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U.F.O. Image Library

Top 50 Images For 2014

Total downloads in 2014: 15948

The table below lists the 50 most frequently downloaded images in the U.F.O. library during 2014. Click on the thumbnail or the image name to see the full-sized image.

Rank Image Downloads Subject Thumbnail
1 ident051 135 Gay Ellis ident051
2 compu002 128 Gay Ellis compu002
3 ident050 127 Gay Ellis ident050
4 resp144 127 other, Ed Straker resp144
5 ident046 124 other, Lew Waterman ident046
6 ident098 111 Gay Ellis, Joan Harrington ident098
7 ident052 110 Mark Bradley, Gay Ellis ident052
8 close112 110 Gay Ellis close112
9 close113 110 Ed Straker, Gay Ellis, other close113
10 close111 107 Gay Ellis close111
11 ident023 105 Alec Freeman, other ident023
12 ident024 99 other ident024
13 trian003 93 Gay Ellis trian003
14 time078 89 other time078
15 ident013 84 other ident013
16 compu156 79 Gay Ellis compu156
17 ident049 78 Gay Ellis, Lew Waterman ident049
18 compu006 76 Alec Freeman, Gay Ellis compu006
19 ident045 76 Gay Ellis ident045
20 ident001 75 UFO ident001
21 ident042 73 Gay Ellis ident042
22 ident048 71 Gay Ellis, Lew Waterman ident048
23 close091 70 Gay Ellis close091
24 ident085 68 Gay Ellis ident085
25 ident039 67 Gay Ellis, Joan Harrington ident039
26 ident043 67 Gay Ellis, Joan Harrington ident043
27 close092 67 Gay Ellis close092
28 ordea145 63 Gay Ellis, Paul Foster, other ordea145
29 ident040 63 Gay Ellis ident040
30 compu142 62 Gay Ellis compu142
31 ident095 62 Gay Ellis ident095
32 ordea029 61 Gay Ellis ordea029
33 mindb093 60 Paul Foster, Virginia Lake, other mindb093
34 ordea104 60 Gay Ellis, Nina Barry ordea104
35 ident090 59 Interceptor ident090
36 close097 59 Gay Ellis, Paul Foster, Ed Straker close097
37 ident088 57 Gay Ellis, Joan Harrington ident088
38 ident091 57 Interceptor ident091
39 ident104 55 UFO ident104
40 expos020 53 other expos020
41 close076 53 Gay Ellis close076
42 ident044 52 Joan Harrington ident044
43 surv002 50 Alien surv002
44 kill005 49 Gay Ellis, Nina Barry kill005
45 ident071 49 Gay Ellis ident071
46 close073 48 Gay Ellis, Joan Harrington, Keith Ford, other, Nina Barry close073
47 compu013 46 Gay Ellis compu013
48 ident108 46 Sky 1 ident108
49 ident073 45 Gay Ellis, Nina Barry ident073
50 resp169 44 Gay Ellis resp169

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Episode Rankings

The table below lists the number of downloads per episode in the U.F.O. library during 2014.

 Rank   Title   Downloads  Graph: Downloads
 1   Identified  3151
 2   Computer Affair  1271
 3   The Responsibility Seat  1238
 4   Close Up  1091
 5   Ordeal  885
 6   Conflict  730
 7   The Dalotek Affair  723
 8   Kill Straker  702
 9   The Sound of Silence  650
 10   Sub-Smash  611
 11   Timelash  567
 12   Reflections in the Water  501
 13   Confetti Check A-OK  483
 14   Survival  477
 15   Flight Path  456
 16   Court Martial  448
 17   A Question of Priorities  442
 18   Mindbender  381
 19   E.S.P.  364
 20   Exposed  305
 21   The Square Triangle  300
 22   Destruction  172

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Character Rankings

The following table lists indexed characters by number of downloads during 2014. The download value is awarded one point for each download of an image of that character alone, and fractional points for images of the character with others.

 Rank   Character   Downloads  Graph
1  Ed Straker  2823.52
2  Gay Ellis  2626.88
3  Paul Foster  1333.55
4  Alec Freeman  925.82
5  UFO  744.00
6  Joan Harrington  490.98
7  Nina Barry  408.65
8  Lew Waterman  313.42
9  Keith Ford  259.60
10  Alien  244.50
11  Virginia Lake  233.58
12  Gen. Henderson  192.48
13  Interceptor  184.00
14  Mark Bradley  174.52
15  Sky 1  166.50
16  Miss Ealand  154.83
17  Peter Carlin  138.33
18  Skydiver  117.50
19  Dr Jackson  112.73
20  Car  109.00
21  Mobile  104.00
22  Lunar Module  80.00
23  SID  51.00
24  Moonbase  42.50

Webmaster: Lisa C. Williams.