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Alias Smith & Jones Image Library

Recent Top 25 Images

Last updated 02/01/2016 05:55:34
Total downloads in past four weeks: 2462

The table below lists the 25 most frequently downloaded images in the Alias Smith & Jones library during the previous four weeks. Click on the thumbnail or the image name to see the full-sized image.

Rank Image Downloads Subject Thumbnail
1 alias045 7 Hannibal Heyes, Wheat Carlson, Kyle Murtry, Kid Curry, other alias045
2 fist074 7 Kid Curry, Hannibal Heyes fist074
3 murdr002 6 Kid Curry, Hannibal Heyes murdr002
4 never051 6 other, Hannibal Heyes, Kid Curry never051
5 shoot003 6 Kid Curry, Hannibal Heyes shoot003
6 fist084 5 Kid Curry, Hannibal Heyes fist084
7 fist125 5 Kid Curry, Hannibal Heyes fist125
8 murdr096 5 Hannibal Heyes murdr096
9 shoot142 5 other, Hannibal Heyes, Kid Curry shoot142
10 alias142 4 Kid Curry, Hannibal Heyes alias142
11 alias200 4 Kid Curry, Kyle Murtry, Wheat Carlson, other, Hannibal Heyes alias200
12 alias204 4 Kid Curry, Hannibal Heyes alias204
13 alias208 4 Hannibal Heyes, Kid Curry alias208
14 shell035 4 Hannibal Heyes shell035
15 murdr023 4 Hannibal Heyes murdr023
16 legac126 4 Hannibal Heyes, Kid Curry legac126
17 jail044 4 Kid Curry, Hannibal Heyes jail044
18 posse007 4 Hannibal Heyes posse007
19 stran016 4 Kid Curry, other, Hannibal Heyes stran016
20 stran045 4 other, Hannibal Heyes, Kid Curry stran045
21 stran082 4 Hannibal Heyes, Kid Curry stran082
22 refor151 4 Kid Curry, Hannibal Heyes refor151
23 shoot129 4 Hannibal Heyes shoot129
24 going125 4 Hannibal Heyes going125
25 alias051 3 Kid Curry, Hannibal Heyes alias051

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Episode Rankings

The table below lists the number of downloads per episode in the Alias Smith & Jones library during the previous four weeks.

 Rank   Title   Downloads  Graph: Downloads
 1   Alias Smith & Jones  359
 2   The McCreedy Bust: Going, Going, Gone!  245
 3   Shootout At Diablo Station  208
 4   How to Rob a Bank in One Hard Lesson  202
 5   The Great Shell Game  179
 6   The Man Who Murdered Himself  173
 7   Jailbreak At Junction City  173
 8   Everything Else You Can Steal  143
 9   Journey From San Juan  135
 10   Six Strangers at Apache Springs  107
 11   The Reformation of Harry Briscoe  85
 12   Something To Get Hung About  63
 13   The McCreedy Bust  53
 14   The Posse That Wouldn't Quit  50
 15   The Day They Hanged Kid Curry  39
 16   Exit From Wickenburg  30
 17   Dreadful Sorry, Clementine  29
 18   The Fifth Victim  27
 19   A Fistful of Diamonds  24
 20   Smiler With A Gun  20
 21   Wrong Train to Brimstone  18
 22   The Legacy of Charlie O'Rourke  17
 23   The Bounty Hunter  16
 24   The Girl in Boxcar No. 3  15
 25   Return to Devil's Hole  14
 26   Miracle At Santa Marta  13
 27   Never Trust an Honest Man  11
 28   Night of the Red Dog  6
 29   Stagecoach Seven  3
 30   Twenty-One Days To Tenstrike  3
 31   The Root of it All  2

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Character Rankings

The following table lists indexed characters by number of downloads during the past four weeks. The download value is awarded one point for each download of an image of that character alone, and fractional points for images of the character with others.

 Rank   Character   Downloads  Graph
1  Hannibal Heyes  830.30
2  Kid Curry  650.97
3  Wheat Carlson  50.47
4  Kyle Murtry  34.88
5  Lom Trevors  21.17
6  Harry Briscoe  20.92

Webmaster: Lisa C. Williams.