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Main Page
The Professionals
Thumbnail Index
Collection Index

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Part 1: 1-24
Part 2: 25-48
Part 3: 49-72
Part 4: 73-96
Part 5: 97-120
Part 6: 121-144
Part 7: 145-168
Part 8: 169-188

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The Professionals
When the Heat Cools Off
part 7

The following are the captured images, with descriptive information. They are listed in the order in which they occur in the episode. All images are JPEG files.

heat145 Thumbnail
Who: Jill Haydon, Bill Haydon
Where: Prison
When: Haydon: "It wouldn't have happened without you, Jill."
Size: 87 Kb.
heat146 Thumbnail
Who: Cowley, Doyle
Where: Cowley's office
When: Doyle: "Oh, I trust you, sir."
Size: 100 Kb.
heat147 Thumbnail
Who: Cowley, Doyle
Where: Cowley's office
When: Cowley: "You know this is a bombshell you're handing me."
Size: 107 Kb.
heat148 Thumbnail
Who: Cowley
Where: Cowley's office
When: Betty: "I have the Minister on two, sir."
Size: 97 Kb.
heat149 Thumbnail
Who: Cowley
Where: Cowley's office
When: Cowley: "But I think I'll hold onto it for a wee while."
Size: 100 Kb.
heat150 Thumbnail
Who: Doyle, Bodie
Where: Doyle's flat
When: Bodie: "I'm a deeply sensitive man, with an enduring interest in countryside."
Size: 118 Kb.
heat151 Thumbnail
Who: Doyle
Where: Doyle's flat
When: Thinking.
Size: 119 Kb.
heat152 Thumbnail
Who: Cowley
Where: Cowley's office
When: Reading Haydon files.
Size: 114 Kb.
heat153 Thumbnail
Who: Doyle
Where: Doyle's flat
When: In bed, thinking about Haydon case.
Size: 104 Kb.
heat154 Thumbnail
Who: Doyle
Where: Doyle's flat
When: In bed, thinking about Haydon case.
Size: 71 Kb.
heat155 Thumbnail
Who: Doyle
Where: Doyle's flat
When: In bed, thinking about Haydon case.
Size: 104 Kb.
heat156 Thumbnail
Who: Cowley
Where: Cowley's office
When: Cowley: "Dr. Davis. Call him. Ask him to stand by for an immediate autopsy."
Size: 104 Kb.
heat157 Thumbnail
Who: Doyle
Where: Doyle's flat
When: Doyle: "No, thanks anyway. I'll take it on from there."
Size: 105 Kb.
heat158 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Doyle
Where: Outside Doyle's flat
When: Bodie pretending to be sleeping.
Size: 113 Kb.
heat159 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Doyle
Where: Outside Doyle's flat
When: Doyle: "We're not going fishing."
Size: 135 Kb.
heat160 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Doyle
Where: In car
When: Doyle: "Yeah, Haydon's car. The one he was driving that night."
Size: 108 Kb.
heat161 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Doyle, car salesman
Where: Car dealership
When: Doyle: "Exactly what I'm looking for."
Size: 125 Kb.
heat162 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Doyle, car salesman
Where: Car dealership
When: Bodie: "Old ladies who never exceed thirty, eh?"
Size: 120 Kb.
heat163 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Doyle
Where: Car dealership
When: Doyle: "Summer of 1971, there was a freak heat wave, right?"
Size: 132 Kb.
heat164 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Doyle
Where: Car dealership
When: Doyle: "Maybe the same night he can put the gun straight back into nowhere."
Size: 118 Kb.
heat165 Thumbnail
Who: Doyle, Bodie
Where: Haydon's car
When: Doyle glowering at car salesman.
Size: 88 Kb.
heat166 Thumbnail
Who: Doyle, Bodie
Where: Haydon's car
When: Doyle: "What you got now?"
Size: 88 Kb.
heat167 Thumbnail
Who: Cowley
Where: Cowley's office
When: Cowley: "I'll be attending to it personally, right now."
Size: 79 Kb.
heat168 Thumbnail
Who: Doyle, Bodie
Where: Haydon's car
When: Bodie: "Don't know how it came out, but it did."
Size: 83 Kb.

The Professionals is Copyright © Mark 1 Productions