bar separator

Main Page
The Professionals
Thumbnail Index
Collection Index

bar separator


Part 1: 1-24
Part 2: 25-48
Part 3: 49-72
Part 4: 73-96
Part 5: 97-120
Part 6: 121-144
Part 7: 145-168
Part 8: 169-188

bar separator

The Professionals
When the Heat Cools Off
part 2

The following are the captured images, with descriptive information. They are listed in the order in which they occur in the episode. All images are JPEG files.

heat025 Thumbnail
Who: Doyle
Where: Garage
When: Working on motorcycle.
Size: 106 Kb.
heat026 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie
Where: Garage
When: Watching Doyle.
Size: 108 Kb.
heat027 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Doyle
Where: Garage
When: Doyle: "Well, it is an old bike, but it's a classic old bike."
Size: 126 Kb.
heat028 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Doyle
Where: Garage
When: Doyle: "A man can't live on promises, you know."
Size: 93 Kb.
heat029 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie
Where: Garage
When: Bodie: "A vision of eternal grace."
Size: 113 Kb.
heat030 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Doyle
Where: Outside garage
When: Doyle: "What time?"
Size: 149 Kb.
heat031 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Doyle
Where: Outside garage
When: Pushing motorcycle.
Size: 135 Kb.
heat032 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Doyle
Where: Outside garage
When: Doyle: "No, but I wouldn't mind."
Size: 122 Kb.
heat033 Thumbnail
Who: women, Bodie
Where: Restaurant
When: Having dinner.
Size: 116 Kb.
heat034 Thumbnail
Who: Doyle
Where: Restaurant
When: Doyle: "Well, you pay, then."
Size: 93 Kb.
heat035 Thumbnail
Who: Jill Haydon
Where: Restaurant
When: Lurking outside window.
Size: 85 Kb.
heat036 Thumbnail
Who: Jill Haydon, Doyle
Where: Restaurant
When: Jill: "I followed you here."
Size: 93 Kb.
heat037 Thumbnail
Who: Doyle, Jill Haydon
Where: Restaurant
When: Doyle: "Who wants to know?"
Size: 100 Kb.
heat038 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie
Where: Restaurant
When: Bodie: "Yeah, he's Ray Doyle. I'm Bodie."
Size: 69 Kb.
heat039 Thumbnail
Who: Doyle, woman
Where: Restaurant
When: Doyle: "Well?"
Size: 119 Kb.
heat040 Thumbnail
Who: Jill Haydon, Doyle
Where: Restaurant
When: Jill: "My name's Haydon."
Size: 108 Kb.
heat041 Thumbnail
Who: Doyle
Where: Restaurant
When: Jill: "Seven years, five months, and two days ago."
Size: 98 Kb.
heat042 Thumbnail
Who: Jill Haydon
Where: Restaurant
When: Jill: "If you've forgotten."
Size: 88 Kb.
heat043 Thumbnail
Who: Doyle
Where: Restaurant
When: Doyle: "No, I remember very clearly, I remember it exactly. Good-bye."
Size: 93 Kb.
heat044 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie
Where: Restaurant
When: Bodie: "Ray."
Size: 88 Kb.
heat045 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, woman
Where: Restaurant
When: Doyle: "We're going on somewhere else, aren't we?"
Size: 125 Kb.
heat046 Thumbnail
Who: Doyle
Where: Restaurant
When: Doyle: "I remember exactly."
Size: 81 Kb.
heat047 Thumbnail
Who: Jill Haydon
Where: Restaurant
When: Watching Doyle.
Size: 102 Kb.
heat048 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Doyle
Where: Doyle's flat
When: Bodie: "Look, I don't know what this is about, but to hold a grudge..."
Size: 114 Kb.

The Professionals is Copyright © Mark 1 Productions