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Main Page
The Wild Wild West
Thumbnail Index
Collection Index

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Part 1: 1-24
Part 2: 25-48
Part 3: 49-72
Part 4: 73-96
Part 5: 97-120
Part 6: 121-144
Part 7: 145-168
Part 8: 169-192
Part 9: 193-216
Part 10: 217-224

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The Wild Wild West
The Night of a Thousand Eyes
part 6

The following are the captured images, with descriptive information. They are listed in the order in which they occur in the episode. All images are JPEG files.

thous121 Thumbnail
Who: Jennifer Wingate
Where: Jennifer Wingate's home
When: Jennifer: "I pass on information about every riverboat that passes by."
Size: 54 Kb.
thous122 Thumbnail
Who: James West
Where: Jennifer Wingate's home
When: West: "What's the information for?"
Size: 50 Kb.
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Who: Jennifer Wingate
Where: Jennifer Wingate's home
When: Jennifer: "Stolen, and then sold."
Size: 60 Kb.
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Who: James West
Where: Jennifer Wingate's home
When: West: "You're a naughty girl, Jennifer."
Size: 33 Kb.
thous125 Thumbnail
Who: Jennifer Wingate
Where: Jennifer Wingate's home
When: Jennifer: "I don't want to be. Not really."
Size: 35 Kb.
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Who: James West
Where: Jennifer Wingate's home
When: West: "But you and I know differently."
Size: 34 Kb.
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Who: Jennifer Wingate
Where: Jennifer Wingate's home
When: Jennifer: "When I do take you to Coffin, he will kill you."
Size: 35 Kb.
thous128 Thumbnail
Who: Jennifer Wingate, James West
Where: Cave
When: West: "Cozy surroundings."
Size: 48 Kb.
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Who: Jennifer Wingate, James West
Where: Cave
When: Jennifer: "It's not too late to turn back."
Size: 33 Kb.
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Who: men, Jennifer Wingate, James West
Where: Cave
When: Men surrounding Jennifer and West.
Size: 36 Kb.
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Who: Jennifer Wingate, James West
Where: Cave
When: West: "Thank you for waiting, gentlemen."
Size: 34 Kb.
thous132 Thumbnail
Who: men, Jennifer Wingate, Capt. Coffin, James West
Where: Cave
When: Jennifer: "I sent word so you'd be ready for him."
Size: 42 Kb.
thous133 Thumbnail
Who: Jennifer Wingate, James West, Capt. Coffin, men
Where: Cave
When: Coffin: "I told you to kill him, not to bring him here."
Size: 44 Kb.
thous134 Thumbnail
Who: Capt. Coffin, James West, men
Where: Cave
When: West: "She did the best she could, Captain Coffin. It's not her fault I'm still alive."
Size: 42 Kb.
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Who: James West, Capt. Coffin, men
Where: Cave
When: Coffin: "Wreckers! And none better or worse."
Size: 42 Kb.
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Who: Capt. Coffin
Where: Cave
When: Coffin: "Not that way, Marley."
Size: 36 Kb.
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Who: James West, men
Where: Cave
When: Coffin: "For you, Mr. West, I have other things in mind."
Size: 39 Kb.
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Who: West's weapons, bullet-proof vest
Where: Coffin's hideout
When: Coffin handling items.
Size: 38 Kb.
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Who: Capt. Coffin
Where: Coffin's hideout
When: Coffin: "I think I've drawn your fangs, Mr. West."
Size: 48 Kb.
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Who: Capt. Coffin, James West
Where: Coffin's hideout
When: Coffin: "An explosion took away my sight and my livelihood."
Size: 49 Kb.
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Who: Capt. Coffin
Where: Coffin's hideout
When: Coffin: "Everything here is for the pleasure of my senses."
Size: 61 Kb.
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Who: James West
Where: Coffin's hideout
When: Watching Coffin.
Size: 40 Kb.
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Who: Capt. Coffin
Where: Coffin's hideout
When: With music box and rose.
Size: 57 Kb.
thous144 Thumbnail
Who: Capt. Coffin, Oriana
Where: Coffin's hideout
When: Coffin: "Oriana, my wife."
Size: 49 Kb.

The Wild Wild West is Copyright © CBS Broadcasting, Inc.