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The Wild Wild West
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Part 1: 1-24
Part 2: 25-48
Part 3: 49-72
Part 4: 73-96
Part 5: 97-120
Part 6: 121-144
Part 7: 145-168
Part 8: 169-192
Part 9: 193-205

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The Wild Wild West
The Night of the Deadly Bed
part 6

The following are the captured images, with descriptive information. They are listed in the order in which they occur in the episode. All images are JPEG files.

deadl121 Thumbnail
Who: Gatita
Where: Bedroom
When: Gatita: "But he said they will soon be free."
Size: 27 Kb.
deadl122 Thumbnail
Who: James West
Where: Bedroom
When: West: "To keep them alive, you perform his delicate art of murder."
Size: 34 Kb.
deadl123 Thumbnail
Who: Flory, Gatita, James West
Where: Bedroom
When: Flory: "I did promise you a delicious dessert, did I not, Monsieur West?"
Size: 47 Kb.
deadl124 Thumbnail
Who: Flory, James West
Where: Bedroom
When: Flory: "You have put me to a great deal of trouble. But, I shall accomplish what I set out to do."
Size: 45 Kb.
deadl125 Thumbnail
Who: James West, Flory
Where: Bedroom
When: Flory: "Dreams do not make reality."
Size: 40 Kb.
deadl126 Thumbnail
Who: James West, Flory
Where: Bedroom
When: Flory: "I intend to reestablish Napoleonic rule in the Western hemisphere."
Size: 46 Kb.
deadl127 Thumbnail
Who: James West
Where: Bedroom
When: West: "The United States has already stopped Napoleon once."
Size: 37 Kb.
deadl128 Thumbnail
Who: Flory
Where: Bedroom
When: Flory: "Your government was able to move its army and all the supplies it needed with such speed for one reason."
Size: 31 Kb.
deadl129 Thumbnail
Who: James West
Where: Bedroom
When: West: "That railroad system still exists."
Size: 33 Kb.
deadl130 Thumbnail
Who: model trains
Where: Underground forge
When: Colliding.
Size: 28 Kb.
deadl131 Thumbnail
Who: James West, Flory
Where: Underground forge
When: Flory: "My engine of destruction, Monsieur."
Size: 32 Kb.
deadl132 Thumbnail
Who: Flory
Where: Underground forge
When: Flory: "I have laid secret tracks leading from here into the main trunk line in the United States."
Size: 29 Kb.
deadl133 Thumbnail
Who: Flory
Where: Underground forge
When: Flory: "My monster will seek out its prey, destroy, and return under the cover of darkness."
Size: 33 Kb.
deadl134 Thumbnail
Who: James West, Flory
Where: Underground forge
When: Flory: "This is the battering ram on the front of my monster."
Size: 41 Kb.
deadl135 Thumbnail
Who: James West
Where: Underground forge
When: Flory: "The boiler tubes must be extra-strong."
Size: 28 Kb.
deadl136 Thumbnail
Who: Artemus Gordon
Where: Underground forge
When: Carrying coal.
Size: 43 Kb.
deadl137 Thumbnail
Who: Flory
Where: Underground forge
When: Flory: "My monster will soon be sent out to play."
Size: 42 Kb.
deadl138 Thumbnail
Who: Artemus Gordon, laborers
Where: Underground forge
When: Gordon setting down basket of coal.
Size: 48 Kb.
deadl139 Thumbnail
Who: Artemus Gordon
Where: Underground forge
When: Watching Flory and West.
Size: 38 Kb.
deadl140 Thumbnail
Who: James West, Flory
Where: Mission yard
When: Flory: "At precisely twelve o'clock, water triggers the gong."
Size: 44 Kb.
deadl141 Thumbnail
Who: Flory
Where: Mission yard
When: Flory: "Never send to find out for whom the bell tolls."
Size: 36 Kb.
deadl142 Thumbnail
Who: James West
Where: Mission yard
When: Flory: "It tolls for thee."
Size: 32 Kb.
deadl143 Thumbnail
Who: James West, soldiers
Where: Mission yard
When: Soldiers securing West to gong.
Size: 50 Kb.
deadl144 Thumbnail
Who: Flory, soldier
Where: Mission yard
When: Flory: "Any last words, Monsieur West?"
Size: 55 Kb.

The Wild Wild West is Copyright © CBS Broadcasting, Inc.