fotr0769 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Boromir |
Where: |
Rivendell |
When: |
Looking around. |
Size: |
49 Kb. |
fotr0770 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Elrond |
Where: |
Rivendell |
When: |
Elrond: "Never before has any voice uttered the words of that tongue here in Imladris." |
Size: |
49 Kb. |
fotr0771 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Gandalf |
Where: |
Rivendell |
When: |
Gandalf: "I do not ask your pardon, Master Elrond." |
Size: |
64 Kb. |
fotr0772 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Frodo |
Where: |
Rivendell |
When: |
Gandalf: "The Black Speech of Mordor may yet be heard in every corner of the West." |
Size: |
58 Kb. |
fotr0773 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Gandalf |
Where: |
Rivendell |
When: |
Gandalf: "The Ring is altogether evil." |
Size: |
63 Kb. |
fotr0774 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Boromir |
Where: |
Rivendell |
When: |
Boromir: "It is a gift." |
Size: |
47 Kb. |
fotr0775 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Frodo, Gandalf, Elf |
Where: |
Rivendell |
When: |
Boromir: "A gift to the foes of Mordor." |
Size: |
72 Kb. |
fotr0776 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Elrond, Frodo, Gandalf, Aragorn, Boromir, council members |
Where: |
Rivendell |
When: |
Boromir: "Long has my father, the Steward of Gondor, kept the forces of Mordor at bay." |
Size: |
80 Kb. |
fotr0777 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Aragorn |
Where: |
Rivendell |
When: |
Watching Boromir. |
Size: |
60 Kb. |
fotr0778 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Boromir |
Where: |
Rivendell |
When: |
Boromir: "Give Gondor the weapon of the enemy." |
Size: |
61 Kb. |
fotr0779 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Legolas, Boromir, Aragorn, council members |
Where: |
Rivendell |
When: |
Aragorn: "None of us can." |
Size: |
76 Kb. |
fotr0780 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Aragorn |
Where: |
Rivendell |
When: |
Aragorn: "The One Ring answers to Sauron alone. It has no other master." |
Size: |
49 Kb. |
fotr0781 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Boromir |
Where: |
Rivendell |
When: |
Boromir: "And what would a Ranger know of this matter?" |
Size: |
55 Kb. |
fotr0782 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Legolas, Boromir, council members |
Where: |
Rivendell |
When: |
Legolas: "This is no mere Ranger." |
Size: |
78 Kb. |
fotr0783 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Boromir |
Where: |
Rivendell |
When: |
Looking at Legolas. |
Size: |
59 Kb. |
fotr0784 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Legolas |
Where: |
Rivendell |
When: |
Legolas: "He is Aragorn..." |
Size: |
51 Kb. |
fotr0785 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Aragorn |
Where: |
Rivendell |
When: |
Legolas: "...son of Arathorn." |
Size: |
52 Kb. |
fotr0786 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Legolas |
Where: |
Rivendell |
When: |
Legolas: "You owe him your allegiance." |
Size: |
46 Kb. |
fotr0787 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Frodo |
Where: |
Rivendell |
When: |
Looking at Aragorn. |
Size: |
55 Kb. |
fotr0788 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Boromir |
Where: |
Rivendell |
When: |
Boromir: "This is Isildur's heir?" |
Size: |
57 Kb. |
fotr0789 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Aragorn |
Where: |
Rivendell |
When: |
Aragorn: "Havo dad, Legolas." [Sindarin: ""] |
Size: |
51 Kb. |
fotr0790 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Boromir |
Where: |
Rivendell |
When: |
Boromir: "Gondor needs no king." |
Size: |
50 Kb. |
fotr0791 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Aragorn |
Where: |
Rivendell |
When: |
Watching Boromir. |
Size: |
51 Kb. |
fotr0792 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Boromir, council members |
Where: |
Rivendell |
When: |
Boromir staring at Aragorn. |
Size: |
64 Kb. |