ttt0288 |
Thumbnail |
Where: |
Dagorlad |
When: |
Stroking the Ring. |
Size: |
41 Kb. |
ttt0291 |
Thumbnail |
Where: |
Dagorlad |
When: |
Frodo: "What did you say?" |
Size: |
54 Kb. |
ttt0297 |
Thumbnail |
Where: |
Dagorlad |
When: |
Hearing Nazgûl's cry. |
Size: |
45 Kb. |
ttt0299 |
Thumbnail |
Where: |
Dagorlad |
When: |
Having Nazgûl-induced flashbacks. |
Size: |
42 Kb. |
ttt0308 |
Thumbnail |
Where: |
Dagorlad |
When: |
Reaching for the Ring. |
Size: |
37 Kb. |
ttt0403 |
Thumbnail |
Where: |
Morannon |
When: |
Frodo: "I did." |
Size: |
45 Kb. |
ttt0414 |
Thumbnail |
Where: |
Morannon |
When: |
Peering out from behind rock. |
Size: |
54 Kb. |
ttt0424 |
Thumbnail |
Where: |
Morannon |
When: |
Watching Gollum. |
Size: |
46 Kb. |
ttt0429 |
Thumbnail |
Where: |
Morannon |
When: |
Frodo: "Are you saying there's another way into Mordor?" |
Size: |
55 Kb. |
ttt0434 |
Thumbnail |
Where: |
Morannon |
When: |
Frodo: "Lead the way, Sméagol." |
Size: |
47 Kb. |
ttt0699 |
Thumbnail |
Where: |
Ithilien |
When: |
Frodo: "Call him names, run him down all the time." |
Size: |
53 Kb. |
ttt0701 |
Thumbnail |
Where: |
Ithilien |
When: |
Frodo: "You have no idea what it did to him, what it's still doing to him." |
Size: |
49 Kb. |
ttt0708 |
Thumbnail |
Where: |
Ithilien |
When: |
Sam: "I've seen you." |
Size: |
52 Kb. |
ttt0729 |
Thumbnail |
Where: |
Ithilien |
When: |
Looking up at Sam. |
Size: |
50 Kb. |
ttt0731 |
Thumbnail |
Where: |
Ithilien |
When: |
Wincing as Gollum mauls the rabbit. |
Size: |
49 Kb. |
ttt0739 |
Thumbnail |
Where: |
Ithilien |
When: |
Looking alarmed. |
Size: |
60 Kb. |
ttt0745 |
Thumbnail |
Where: |
Ithilien |
When: |
Looking for source of bird-calls. |
Size: |
47 Kb. |
ttt0748 |
Thumbnail |
Where: |
Ithilien |
When: |
Watching Haradrim. |
Size: |
84 Kb. |
ttt0756 |
Thumbnail |
Where: |
Ithilien |
When: |
Watching. |
Size: |
52 Kb. |
ttt0770 |
Thumbnail |
Where: |
Ithilien |
When: |
Held by Ranger. |
Size: |
53 Kb. |
ttt0772 |
Thumbnail |
Where: |
Ithilien |
When: |
Frodo: "We are bound to an errand of secrecy." |
Size: |
50 Kb. |
ttt0777 |
Thumbnail |
Where: |
Ithilien |
When: |
Faramir: "What lies or threats led him on this long march from home?" |
Size: |
38 Kb. |
ttt1009 |
Thumbnail |
Where: |
Henneth Annûn |
When: |
As blindfold is removed. |
Size: |
34 Kb. |
ttt1017 |
Thumbnail |
Where: |
Henneth Annûn |
When: |
Frodo: "There was no other." |
Size: |
46 Kb. |