The Return of the King
part 2
The following are the captured images, with descriptive information.
They are listed in the order in which they occur in the episode. All
images are JPEG files.
rotk0334 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Aragorn, Merry |
Where: |
Edoras |
When: |
Looking out from watchtower. |
Size: |
75 Kb. |
rotk0340 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Eldarion, Aragorn |
Where: |
Arwen's vision |
When: |
Eldarion running to Aragorn. |
Size: |
57 Kb. |
rotk0341 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Aragorn, Eldarion |
Where: |
Arwen's vision |
When: |
Aragorn lifting Eldarion. |
Size: |
34 Kb. |
rotk0343 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Eldarion, Aragorn |
Where: |
Arwen's vision |
When: |
Aragorn kissing Eldarion. |
Size: |
35 Kb. |
rotk0344 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Eldarion, Aragorn |
Where: |
Arwen's vision |
When: |
Eldarion looking at Arwen. |
Size: |
35 Kb. |
rotk0650 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Éowyn, Aragorn |
Where: |
Edoras |
When: |
Éowyn: "Just to the encampment. It's tradition for the women of the court to farewell the men." |
Size: |
61 Kb. |
rotk0673 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Legolas, Théoden, Éomer, Aragorn, Rohirrim |
Where: |
Near Edoras |
When: |
The Rohirrim riding out. |
Size: |
73 Kb. |
rotk0918 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Legolas, Éomer, Théoden, Aragorn |
Where: |
Harrowdale |
When: |
Riding into camp. |
Size: |
60 Kb. |
rotk0923 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Aragorn, Théoden |
Where: |
Dunharrow |
When: |
Théoden: "Six thousand spears." |
Size: |
90 Kb. |
rotk0924 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Théoden, Aragorn |
Where: |
Dunharrow |
When: |
Théoden: "Less than half of what I'd hoped for." |
Size: |
67 Kb. |
rotk0925 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Théoden, Aragorn |
Where: |
Dunharrow |
When: |
Aragorn: "Six thousand will not be enough to break the lines of Mordor." |
Size: |
57 Kb. |
rotk0926 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Théoden, Aragorn |
Where: |
Dunharrow |
When: |
Aragorn: "Every hour lost hastens Gondor's defeat." |
Size: |
59 Kb. |
rotk0929 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Aragorn, Théoden |
Where: |
Dunharrow |
When: |
Watching horses. |
Size: |
57 Kb. |
rotk0937 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Aragorn, Rohirrim |
Where: |
Dunharrow |
When: |
Aragorn looking up Dimholt road. |
Size: |
72 Kb. |
rotk0940 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Aragorn, Gimli |
Where: |
Dunharrow |
When: |
Gimli: "Aragorn!" |
Size: |
75 Kb. |
rotk0973 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Rohir, Aragorn |
Where: |
Dunharrow |
When: |
Rohir: "Sir?" |
Size: |
63 Kb. |
rotk0976 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Elrond, Théoden, Aragorn |
Where: |
Dunharrow |
When: |
Théoden: "I take my leave." |
Size: |
69 Kb. |
rotk0977 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Elrond, Théoden, Aragorn |
Where: |
Dunharrow |
When: |
Théoden leaving. |
Size: |
61 Kb. |
rotk0984 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Elrond, Aragorn |
Where: |
Dunharrow |
When: |
Elrond: "Arwen's life is now tied to the fate of the Ring." |
Size: |
66 Kb. |
rotk0992 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Elrond, Aragorn |
Where: |
Dunharrow |
When: |
In sudden wind. |
Size: |
60 Kb. |
rotk0999 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Elrond, Aragorn |
Where: |
Dunharrow |
When: |
Aragorn looking at Andúril. |
Size: |
44 Kb. |
rotk1002 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Elrond, Aragorn |
Where: |
Dunharrow |
When: |
Aragorn taking Andúril. |
Size: |
55 Kb. |
rotk1003 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Elrond, Aragorn |
Where: |
Dunharrow |
When: |
Aragorn drawing Andúril. |
Size: |
50 Kb. |
rotk1005 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Elrond, Aragorn |
Where: |
Dunharrow |
When: |
Elrond: "The man who can wield the power of this sword can summon to him an army more deadly than any that walks this earth." |
Size: |
54 Kb. |