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Blake's 7
Thumbnail Index
Collection Index

bar separator


Part 1: 1-24
Part 2: 25-48
Part 3: 49-72
Part 4: 73-96
Part 5: 97-120
Part 6: 121-144
Part 7: 145-168
Part 8: 169-192
Part 9: 193-216
Part 10: 217-240
Part 11: 241-264
Part 12: 265-282

bar separator

Blake's 7
The Web
part 3

The following are the captured images, with descriptive information. They are listed in the order in which they occur in the episode. All images are JPEG files.

web049 Thumbnail
Who: Cally
Where: Liberator flight deck
When: Cally: "Must you invite death?"
Size: 42 Kb.
web050 Thumbnail
Who: Gan, Cally
Where: Liberator flight deck
When: Gan entering flight deck.
Size: 51 Kb.
web051 Thumbnail
Who: Gan
Where: Liberator flight deck
When: Sneaking up behind Cally.
Size: 38 Kb.
web052 Thumbnail
Who: Blake
Where: Liberator flight deck
When: Starting to move.
Size: 40 Kb.
web053 Thumbnail
Who: Gan, Cally
Where: Liberator flight deck
When: Zen: "Standard by eight point six-five."
Size: 55 Kb.
web054 Thumbnail
Who: Avon
Where: Liberator flight deck
When: Avon: "If you're trying to steal the ship, there are other ways."
Size: 40 Kb.
web055 Thumbnail
Who: Jenna
Where: Liberator flight deck
When: Jenna: "You're not Cally, are you?"
Size: 42 Kb.
web056 Thumbnail
Who: Cally
Where: Liberator flight deck
When: Looking at Jenna.
Size: 37 Kb.
web057 Thumbnail
Who: Lab complex
Where: Planet
Size: 52 Kb.
web058 Thumbnail
Who: Saymon
Where: Lab
When: Saymon: "They must come to us."
Size: 33 Kb.
web059 Thumbnail
Who: Cally
Where: Liberator flight deck
When: Waking up.
Size: 34 Kb.
web060 Thumbnail
Who: Gan, Cally, Jenna, Avon
Where: Liberator flight deck
When: Jenna: "Whoever you are..."
Size: 51 Kb.
web061 Thumbnail
Who: Cally, Jenna
Where: Liberator flight deck
When: Jenna: "'s over!"
Size: 50 Kb.
web062 Thumbnail
Who: Cally
Where: Liberator flight deck
When: Cally: "Thank you, Jenna."
Size: 43 Kb.
web063 Thumbnail
Who: Cally, Avon
Where: Liberator flight deck
When: Avon: "What was all that about?"
Size: 43 Kb.
web064 Thumbnail
Who: Gan, Cally, Avon, Jenna, Blake
Where: Liberator flight deck
When: Jenna: "You should have never brought her on the ship."
Size: 53 Kb.
web065 Thumbnail
Who: Vila, Gan, Avon, Blake
Where: Liberator flight deck
When: Vila: "All I said was 'What do you think of the outfit?'"
Size: 50 Kb.
web066 Thumbnail
Who: Blake
Where: Liberator flight deck
When: Blake: "Where?"
Size: 35 Kb.
web067 Thumbnail
Who: Avon, Gan, Jenna, Blake
Where: Liberator flight deck
When: Avon: "Computer logic. Until the bomb explodes, there's nothing for the repair system to repair."
Size: 46 Kb.
web068 Thumbnail
Who: Jenna
Where: Liberator flight deck
When: Jenna: "We're all in it, Avon."
Size: 42 Kb.
web069 Thumbnail
Who: Bomb
Where: Liberator hold.
When: On power panel.
Size: 49 Kb.
web070 Thumbnail
Who: Vila, Jenna, Cally, Gan
Where: Liberator flight deck
When: Jenna: "Anything on the detector scanners?"
Size: 62 Kb.
web071 Thumbnail
Who: Jenna
Where: Liberator flight deck
When: Jenna: "Drive repairs, how long?"
Size: 45 Kb.
web072 Thumbnail
Who: Vila
Where: Liberator flight deck
When: Vila: "A bomb was all we needed."
Size: 35 Kb.

Blake's 7 is Copyright © BBC Enterprises Ltd