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Blake's 7
Thumbnail Index
Collection Index

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Part 1: 1-24
Part 2: 25-48
Part 3: 49-72
Part 4: 73-96
Part 5: 97-120
Part 6: 121-144
Part 7: 145-168
Part 8: 169-192
Part 9: 193-216
Part 10: 217-240
Part 11: 241-264
Part 12: 265-288
Part 13: 289-294

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Blake's 7
part 5

The following are the captured images, with descriptive information. They are listed in the order in which they occur in the episode. All images are JPEG files.

power097 Thumbnail
Who: Tarrant, Dayna, Vila
Where: Xenon base
When: Dayna: "It wasn't. I checked them both this morning."
Size: 65 Kb.
power098 Thumbnail
Who: Tarrant
Where: Xenon base
When: Tarrant: "I don't see any bruise."
Size: 55 Kb.
power099 Thumbnail
Who: Vila
Where: Xenon base
When: Vila: "Must be brain warp. Think I'll just go off and die somewhere."
Size: 36 Kb.
power100 Thumbnail
Who: Tarrant, Vila
Where: Xenon base
When: Tarrant: "The door to the landing silo. How long before you free the lock?"
Size: 70 Kb.
power101 Thumbnail
Who: Vila
Where: Xenon base
When: Vila: "Have you ever seen a nuclear compression charge go off? Everything gets sucked in. It's like a mini black hole."
Size: 35 Kb.
power102 Thumbnail
Who: Pella, Luxia, Kate
Where: Xenon, outdoors (on screen)
When: Running.
Size: 46 Kb.
power103 Thumbnail
Who: Tarrant
Where: Xenon base
When: Watching screen.
Size: 50 Kb.
power104 Thumbnail
Who: Dayna
Where: Xenon base
When: Dayna: "That makes a difference, doesn't it?"
Size: 35 Kb.
power105 Thumbnail
Who: Pella, Luxia, Kate
Where: Xenon, outdoors
When: Looking at Hommik.
Size: 53 Kb.
power106 Thumbnail
Who: Pella, Luxia, Kate
Where: Xenon, outdoors
When: Pella: "If you get the chance, Kate, go."
Size: 50 Kb.
power107 Thumbnail
Who: Hommiks
Where: Xenon, outdoors
When: Carrying devices.
Size: 67 Kb.
power108 Thumbnail
Who: Tarrant, Vila, Dayna
Where: Xenon base
When: Vila: "Seconds."
Size: 48 Kb.
power109 Thumbnail
Who: Vila, Dayna, Tarrant
Where: Xenon base
When: Orac: "The process is called teleportation."
Size: 65 Kb.
power110 Thumbnail
Who: Tarrant
Where: Xenon base
When: Orac: "Unless directed by an outside agency, matter transmuted to energy will merely dissipate at random."
Size: 45 Kb.
power111 Thumbnail
Who: Vila, Dayna, Tarrant
Where: Xenon base
When: Vila: "Could this have done it, without us knowing?"
Size: 69 Kb.
power112 Thumbnail
Who: Orac
Where: Xenon base
When: Orac: "The logical alternatives are within the bounds of human reasoning."
Size: 68 Kb.
power113 Thumbnail
Who: Tarrant
Where: Xenon base
When: Orac: "I suggest you consider them, and leave me in peace to reflect on those matters which are not."
Size: 40 Kb.
power114 Thumbnail
Who: Hommiks, Pella, Kate
Where: Xenon, outdoors
When: Hommiks capturing Pella.
Size: 63 Kb.
power115 Thumbnail
Who: Hommik
Where: Xenon, outdoors
When: Aiming crossbow at Kate.
Size: 74 Kb.
power116 Thumbnail
Who: Kate
Where: Xenon, outdoors
When: Pulling out crossbow bolt.
Size: 51 Kb.
power117 Thumbnail
Who: Avon, Cato, Pella, Hommik
Where: Hommik base
When: Pella being brought in.
Size: 46 Kb.
power118 Thumbnail
Who: Avon
Where: Hommik base
When: Unconscious.
Size: 41 Kb.
power119 Thumbnail
Who: Avon, Pella
Where: Hommik base
When: Pella: "Avon?"
Size: 46 Kb.
power120 Thumbnail
Who: Avon
Where: Hommik base
When: Waking.
Size: 32 Kb.

Blake's 7 is Copyright © BBC Enterprises Ltd