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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

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The Professionals
Killer with a Long Arm
part 2

The following are the captured images, with descriptive information. They are listed in the order in which they occur in the episode. All images are JPEG files.

lgarm067 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Doyle, Tommy
Where: Outside Tommy's flat
When: Doyle: "Hey!"
Size: 181 Kb.
lgarm074 Thumbnail
Who: Doyle, Bodie
Where: Outdoors
When: Doyle: "Double-barrel, and he's had one."
Size: 171 Kb.
lgarm078 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Doyle, Tommy
Where: Outdoors
When: Doyle restraining Tommy.
Size: 167 Kb.
lgarm079 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Tommy, Doyle
Where: Outdoors
When: Bodie and Doyle marching Tommy along.
Size: 130 Kb.
lgarm088 Thumbnail
Who: Tommy, Cowley, Doyle
Where: CI5 interrogation room
When: Cowley: "You'll find that out after twenty years, or twenty-five."
Size: 116 Kb.
lgarm089 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Doyle
Where: CI5 interrogation room
When: Cowley: "Without remission, because judges don't like cop-killers, either."
Size: 114 Kb.
lgarm091 Thumbnail
Who: Tommy, Cowley, Doyle, Bodie
Where: CI5 interrogation room
When: Cowley: "How old would you say he is?"
Size: 114 Kb.
lgarm092 Thumbnail
Who: Doyle, Bodie
Where: CI5 interrogation room
When: Doyle: "Best years of his life."
Size: 108 Kb.
lgarm095 Thumbnail
Who: Tommy, Doyle, Bodie, Cowley
Where: CI5 interrogation room
When: Cowley: "I know you didn't do that killing."
Size: 105 Kb.
lgarm097 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Doyle
Where: Tommy's flat
When: Doyle: "What's that?"
Size: 133 Kb.
lgarm098 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Doyle
Where: Tommy's flat
When: Doyle: "See? What's that?"
Size: 99 Kb.
lgarm099 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Doyle
Where: Tommy's flat
When: Doyle: "Could be transistor radio."
Size: 104 Kb.
lgarm103 Thumbnail
Who: Tommy, Cowley, Doyle, Bodie
Where: CI5 interrogation room
When: Bodie: "And one very long shot. Now, look at this."
Size: 107 Kb.
lgarm104 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Doyle, Cowley
Where: Cowley's office
When: Doyle: "Or a perimeter fence. Or anything."
Size: 107 Kb.
lgarm105 Thumbnail
Who: Cowley, Doyle, Betty
Where: Cowley's office
When: Doyle: "Irish Greek?"
Size: 125 Kb.
lgarm120 Thumbnail
Who: Doyle, Bodie
Where: Golf course
When: Looking at Mervin.
Size: 120 Kb.
lgarm122 Thumbnail
Who: Doyle, Mervin
Where: Golf course
When: Doyle: "Nobody's nobody."
Size: 109 Kb.
lgarm123 Thumbnail
Who: Doyle, Mervin, Bodie
Where: Golf course
When: Bodie: "Save it for the guy who uses people as target practice."
Size: 115 Kb.
lgarm126 Thumbnail
Who: Doyle, Cowley
Where: Cowley's office
When: Doyle: "Well, that just leaves about fifty thousand other possible targets."
Size: 110 Kb.
lgarm145 Thumbnail
Who: CID sergeant, Doyle, Bodie
Where: Hospital
When: sergeant: "Wouldn't have bothered you boys, except that we found these in her bag."
Size: 118 Kb.
lgarm146 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, CID sergeant, Doyle
Where: Hospital
When: Bodie: "Where did it happen?"
Size: 116 Kb.
lgarm149 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Doyle
Where: In car
When: Doyle: "Sandwiches, fruit, pork pies. That's what she'd been buying."
Size: 113 Kb.
lgarm150 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Doyle
Where: Street
When: Bodie pointing to block of flats.
Size: 157 Kb.
lgarm151 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Doyle
Where: Rooftop
When: Doyle: "Yeah, I know. If they're holed here, they're not gonna be here for very long."
Size: 125 Kb.

The Professionals is Copyright © Mark 1 Productions