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The Man From U.N.C.L.E.
Character Index
Thumbnail Index

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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

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The Man From U.N.C.L.E.
Napoleon Solo
The Deadly Games Affair
part 3

The following are the captured images, with descriptive information. They are listed in the order in which they occur in the episode. All images are JPEG files.

games096 Thumbnail
Who: Terry Brent, Napoleon Solo, Chuck Boskirk
Where: U.N.C.L.E. HQ
When: Napoleon: "That means probably somebody that you know."
Size: 52 Kb.
games097 Thumbnail
Who: Chuck Boskirk, Terry Brent, Napoleon Solo
Where: U.N.C.L.E. HQ
When: Napoleon: "Well, if the man we're after is as cautious as we think he is, he's liable to run if anybody but Chuck arrives at the warehouse."
Size: 46 Kb.
games101 Thumbnail
Who: Chuck Boskirk, Terry Brent, Napoleon Solo
Where: U.N.C.L.E. HQ
When: Napoleon: "Must have planted it on you before Angelique played her great escape scene."
Size: 48 Kb.
games103 Thumbnail
Who: Terry Brent, Napoleon Solo
Where: In car
When: Watching Chuck.
Size: 40 Kb.
games108 Thumbnail
Who: Napoleon Solo, Terry Brent
Where: Outside warehouse
When: Terry approaching door, Napoleon following her.
Size: 44 Kb.
games112 Thumbnail
Who: Terry Brent, Napoleon Solo, Chuck Boskirk
Where: Outside warehouse
When: Chick and Napoleon bending over Terry.
Size: 38 Kb.
games114 Thumbnail
Who: Illya Kuryakin, Napoleon Solo
Where: Outside warehouse
When: Illya: "We found the escape route. Tunnel with a hidden exit."
Size: 58 Kb.
games115 Thumbnail
Who: Illya Kuryakin, Napoleon Solo
Where: Outside warehouse
When: Napoleon: "Well, in this game of hare and hounds, the hare refuses to play a timid role."
Size: 49 Kb.
games116 Thumbnail
Who: Chuck Boskirk, Napoleon Solo
Where: Outside warehouse
When: Chuck: "He thinks she's all right, but they're taking her to the hospital for a check-up."
Size: 52 Kb.
games117 Thumbnail
Who: Chuck Boskirk, Napoleon Solo
Where: Beside car
When: Watching Angelique arrive.
Size: 51 Kb.
games118 Thumbnail
Who: Chuck Boskirk, Napoleon Solo
Where: Street
When: Napoleon: "I'll keep her busy while you get the books."
Size: 43 Kb.
games120 Thumbnail
Who: Napoleon Solo, Angelique
Where: Street
When: Napoleon: "Well, they bailed you out in a hurry, love."
Size: 37 Kb.
games157 Thumbnail
Who: Angelique, Napoleon Solo
Where: Amadeus' laboratory
When: Angelique: "In there, where he found you."
Size: 61 Kb.
games162 Thumbnail
Who: Prof. Amadeus, Napoleon Solo
Where: Amadeus' laboratory
When: Napoleon: "Barbarossa's pretty ripe, Volp."
Size: 60 Kb.
games163 Thumbnail
Who: Napoleon Solo, Prof. Amadeus
Where: Amadeus' laboratory
When: Amadeus: "But don't be afraid. I do not intend to make the same mistake twice."
Size: 61 Kb.
games166 Thumbnail
Who: Napoleon Solo, Prof. Amadeus
Where: Amadeus' laboratory
When: Napoleon: "You've got a lot of gopher in you."
Size: 60 Kb.
games168 Thumbnail
Who: Prof. Amadeus, Napoleon Solo
Where: Amadeus' laboratory
When: Amadeus: "I will explain it to you, very carefully..."
Size: 57 Kb.
games171 Thumbnail
Who: Prof. Amadeus, Napoleon Solo
Where: Amadeus' laboratory
When: Amadeus: "But as you, yourself, are already aware, that is not the way to do it."
Size: 59 Kb.
games174 Thumbnail
Who: Napoleon Solo, Prof. Amadeus, Angelique
Where: Amadeus' laboratory
When: Amadeus: "Please, do not move your arm."
Size: 60 Kb.
games179 Thumbnail
Who: Napoleon Solo, Prof. Amadeus, Angelique
Where: Amadeus' laboratory
When: Napoleon: "I wondered how long that would take."
Size: 59 Kb.
games181 Thumbnail
Who: Prof. Amadeus, Napoleon Solo
Where: Amadeus' laboratory
When: Amadeus: "I've come too far; I can't desert him now."
Size: 50 Kb.
games187 Thumbnail
Who: Prof. Amadeus, Napoleon Solo, Angelique
Where: Amadeus' laboratory
When: Angelique: "I'll take him, darling."
Size: 55 Kb.
games190 Thumbnail
Who: Napoleon Solo, Prof. Amadeus, Chuck Boskirk, Illya Kuryakin, Angelique
Where: Amadeus' laboratory
When: Illya grabbing Angelique's gun.
Size: 53 Kb.
games191 Thumbnail
Who: Napoleon Solo, Prof. Amadeus, Angelique, Illya Kuryakin
Where: Amadeus' laboratory
When: Napoleon: "All right, get 'em out of here, Illya."
Size: 53 Kb.

The Man From U.N.C.L.E. is Copyright © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.