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The Lord of the Rings
Character Index
Thumbnail Index

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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

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The Lord of the Rings
The Two Towers
part 1

The following are the captured images, with descriptive information. They are listed in the order in which they occur in the episode. All images are JPEG files.

ttt0084 Thumbnail
Where: Rohan
When: Legolas: "Come on, Gimli!"
Size: 45 Kb.
ttt0093 Thumbnail
Where: Rohan
When: Legolas: "They're taking the hobbits to Isengard."
Size: 44 Kb.
ttt0174 Thumbnail
Where: Rohan
When: Legolas: "A red sun rises."
Size: 32 Kb.
ttt0185 Thumbnail
Where: Rohan
When: Éomer: "...and a Dwarf have in the Riddermark?"
Size: 47 Kb.
ttt0192 Thumbnail
Where: Rohan
When: Legolas: "You would die before your stroke fell."
Size: 62 Kb.
ttt0196 Thumbnail
Where: Rohan
When: Glaring at Éomer.
Size: 60 Kb.
ttt0206 Thumbnail
Where: Rohan
When: Éomer: "...slip past our nets."
Size: 60 Kb.
ttt0225 Thumbnail
Where: Edge of Fangorn
When: Legolas: "Hiro hyn hîdh ab 'wanath."
[Sindarin: "Let them find peace after death."]
Size: 33 Kb.
ttt0318 Thumbnail
Where: Fangorn
When: Legolas: "This forest is old, very old."
Size: 52 Kb.
ttt0320 Thumbnail
Where: Fangorn
When: Legolas: "The trees are speaking to each other."
Size: 42 Kb.
ttt0323 Thumbnail
Where: Fangorn
When: Legolas: "The Elves began it: waking up the trees, teaching them to speak."
Size: 43 Kb.
ttt0327 Thumbnail
Where: Fangorn
When: Looking around.
Size: 42 Kb.
ttt0329 Thumbnail
Where: Fangorn
When: Legolas: "The White Wizard approaches."
Size: 37 Kb.
ttt0336 Thumbnail
Where: Fangorn
When: About to shoot.
Size: 45 Kb.
ttt0345 Thumbnail
Where: Fangorn
When: Legolas: "Forgive me."
Size: 41 Kb.
ttt0362 Thumbnail
Where: Fangorn
When: Watching Gandalf.
Size: 40 Kb.
ttt0366 Thumbnail
Where: Fangorn
When: Gandalf: "A great power has been sleeping here for many long years."
Size: 43 Kb.
ttt0506 Thumbnail
Where: Meduseld
When: Drawing knives.
Size: 55 Kb.
ttt0542 Thumbnail
Where: Meduseld
When: Watching.
Size: 44 Kb.
ttt0845 Thumbnail
Where: Rohan
When: Standing on hilltop.
Size: 37 Kb.
ttt0853 Thumbnail
Where: Rohan
When: Running down the hill, knife in hand.
Size: 50 Kb.
ttt0856 Thumbnail
Where: Rohan
When: Legolas: "A scout!"
Size: 49 Kb.
ttt0859 Thumbnail
Where: Rohan
When: On hilltop, watching warg-riders approach.
Size: 50 Kb.
ttt0860 Thumbnail
Where: Rohan
When: Watching warg-riders.
Size: 33 Kb.

The Lord of the Rings is Copyright © New Line Productions, Inc.