Dayna, Tarrant
part 1
The following are the captured images, with descriptive information.
They are listed in the order in which they occur in the episode. All
images are JPEG files.
gold004 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Dayna, Avon, Soolin, Tarrant |
Where: |
Scorpio armoury |
When: |
Avon: "Well, he's wrong." |
Size: |
65 Kb. |
gold005 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Avon, Soolin, Tarrant, Dayna |
Where: |
Scorpio armoury |
When: |
Avon: "He may have, or he may not. That's what we are going to find out." |
Size: |
66 Kb. |
gold006 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Vila, Dayna, Tarrant |
Where: |
Scorpio flight deck |
When: |
Tarrant: "He says he's sorry most of the time; I don't believe that, either." |
Size: |
69 Kb. |
gold007 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Soolin, Avon, Tarrant, Dayna |
Where: |
Docking corridor |
When: |
Entering Space Princess. |
Size: |
43 Kb. |
gold011 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Avon, Keiller, Soolin, Tarrant, Dayna |
Where: |
Space Princess |
When: |
Keiller: "Can't you keep your gang under control?" |
Size: |
65 Kb. |
gold012 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Avon, Keiller, Dayna, Tarrant, Soolin |
Where: |
Space Princess |
When: |
Avon: "Just as they will kill you if you let them down." |
Size: |
65 Kb. |
gold020 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Avon, Keiller, Tarrant, Dayna |
Where: |
Purser's office, Space Princess |
When: |
Keiller: "It's money." |
Size: |
61 Kb. |
gold030 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Avon, Soolin, Tarrant, Keiller, Dayna |
Where: |
Purser's office, Space Princess |
When: |
Keiller: "You have a ship for the getaway. And a reputation for daring." |
Size: |
70 Kb. |
gold041 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Dayna, Avon, Keiller, Soolin, Tarrant |
Where: |
Cargo hold, Space Princess |
When: |
Keiller: "At the mine on Zerok, they process the gold." |
Size: |
67 Kb. |
gold079 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Tarrant, Dayna, guards |
Where: |
Zerok |
When: |
Tarrant and Dayna shooting at guards. |
Size: |
40 Kb. |
gold092 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Dayna, Keiller, Tarrant |
Where: |
Scorpio flight deck |
When: |
Keiller: "It seems there's a lot I wasn't told." |
Size: |
74 Kb. |
gold094 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Dayna, Keiller, Tarrant |
Where: |
Scorpio flight deck |
When: |
Keiller: "They must be dead as well. Like Avon and the pretty one." |
Size: |
69 Kb. |
gold098 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Keiller, Dayna, Tarrant |
Where: |
Scorpio flight deck |
When: |
Dayna: "We have to find out, you see, for the sake of our friends." |
Size: |
75 Kb. |
gold121 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Dayna, Avon, Tarrant, Soolin |
Where: |
Scorpio flight deck |
When: |
Staring at Keiller. |
Size: |
75 Kb. |
gold123 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Keiller, Dayna, Avon, Tarrant, Soolin |
Where: |
Scorpio flight deck |
When: |
Keiller: "I swear, I didn't let you down." |
Size: |
75 Kb. |
gold125 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Dayna, Avon, Tarrant |
Where: |
Scorpio flight deck |
When: |
Keiller: "But they play rough, I do know that." |
Size: |
76 Kb. |
gold132 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Dayna, Keiller, Tarrant, Soolin |
Where: |
Scorpio flight deck |
When: |
Keiller: "Look, Avon, these people are ruthless." |
Size: |
71 Kb. |
gold140 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Avon, Dayna, Tarrant, Keiller |
Where: |
Scorpio flight deck |
When: |
Avon: "Why not?" |
Size: |
77 Kb. |
gold170 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Dayna, Tarrant, doctor |
Where: |
Sickbay, Space Princess |
When: |
Tarrant: "What hope is there, then, doctor?" |
Size: |
64 Kb. |
gold175 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
doctor, Avon, Dayna, Tarrant |
Where: |
Space Princess |
When: |
Avon: "Stand back, and raise your hands." |
Size: |
64 Kb. |
gold179 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Tarrant, Dayna, Keiller, Avon |
Where: |
Space Princess |
When: |
Tarrant: "Keiller shot him." |
Size: |
65 Kb. |
gold180 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Soolin, Avon, Keiller, Dayna, Tarrant |
Where: |
Space Princess |
When: |
Keiller: "I told you it would work." |
Size: |
63 Kb. |
gold184 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Keiller, Soolin, Tarrant, Dayna |
Where: |
Docking corridor. |
When: |
Trundling gold into Scorpio. |
Size: |
49 Kb. |
gold189 |
Thumbnail |
Who: |
Vila, Tarrant, Keiller, Soolin, Dayna, Avon |
Where: |
Scorpio flight deck |
When: |
Vila: "Did you get the gold?" |
Size: |
68 Kb. |