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Blake's 7
Character Index
Thumbnail Index

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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

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Blake's 7
part 1

The following are the captured images, with descriptive information. They are listed in the order in which they occur in the episode. All images are JPEG files.

gold004 Thumbnail
Who: Dayna, Avon, Soolin, Tarrant
Where: Scorpio armoury
When: Avon: "Well, he's wrong."
Size: 65 Kb.
gold005 Thumbnail
Who: Avon, Soolin, Tarrant, Dayna
Where: Scorpio armoury
When: Avon: "He may have, or he may not. That's what we are going to find out."
Size: 66 Kb.
gold006 Thumbnail
Who: Vila, Dayna, Tarrant
Where: Scorpio flight deck
When: Tarrant: "He says he's sorry most of the time; I don't believe that, either."
Size: 69 Kb.
gold007 Thumbnail
Who: Soolin, Avon, Tarrant, Dayna
Where: Docking corridor
When: Entering Space Princess.
Size: 43 Kb.
gold010 Thumbnail
Who: Dayna, Tarrant
Where: Space Princess
When: Tarrant: "But not too much."
Size: 57 Kb.
gold011 Thumbnail
Who: Avon, Keiller, Soolin, Tarrant, Dayna
Where: Space Princess
When: Keiller: "Can't you keep your gang under control?"
Size: 65 Kb.
gold012 Thumbnail
Who: Avon, Keiller, Dayna, Tarrant, Soolin
Where: Space Princess
When: Avon: "Just as they will kill you if you let them down."
Size: 65 Kb.
gold013 Thumbnail
Who: Avon, Keiller, Soolin, Tarrant
Where: Purser's office, Space Princess
When: Entering purser's office.
Size: 62 Kb.
gold014 Thumbnail
Who: Soolin, Tarrant
Where: Purser's office, Space Princess
When: Tarrant: "You're relaxing too much."
Size: 63 Kb.
gold020 Thumbnail
Who: Avon, Keiller, Tarrant, Dayna
Where: Purser's office, Space Princess
When: Keiller: "It's money."
Size: 61 Kb.
gold021 Thumbnail
Who: Soolin, Tarrant
Where: Purser's office, Space Princess
When: Looking at Keiller.
Size: 63 Kb.
gold030 Thumbnail
Who: Avon, Soolin, Tarrant, Keiller, Dayna
Where: Purser's office, Space Princess
When: Keiller: "You have a ship for the getaway. And a reputation for daring."
Size: 70 Kb.
gold041 Thumbnail
Who: Dayna, Avon, Keiller, Soolin, Tarrant
Where: Cargo hold, Space Princess
When: Keiller: "At the mine on Zerok, they process the gold."
Size: 67 Kb.
gold059 Thumbnail
Who: Dayna, Tarrant
Where: Zerok
When: Teleporting down.
Size: 46 Kb.
gold070 Thumbnail
Who: Dayna, Tarrant
Where: Zerok
When: Looking around.
Size: 41 Kb.
gold075 Thumbnail
Who: Dayna, Tarrant
Where: Zerok
When: Dayna: "Nothing."
Size: 46 Kb.
gold078 Thumbnail
Who: Dayna, Tarrant
Where: Zerok
When: Tarrant: "Don't look at me, I didn't touch anything."
Size: 42 Kb.
gold079 Thumbnail
Who: Tarrant, Dayna, guards
Where: Zerok
When: Tarrant and Dayna shooting at guards.
Size: 40 Kb.
gold083 Thumbnail
Who: Dayna, Tarrant
Where: Zerok
When: Tarrant: "Have we got a choice?"
Size: 63 Kb.
gold084 Thumbnail
Who: Tarrant, Dayna
Where: Zerok
When: About to enter door.
Size: 45 Kb.
gold086 Thumbnail
Who: Dayna, Tarrant
Where: Zerok
When: Tarrant: "Avon! Soolin!"
Size: 56 Kb.
gold088 Thumbnail
Who: Dayna, Tarrant
Where: Zerok
When: Dayna: "Two bodies, I think. The radiation hasn't left much."
Size: 47 Kb.
gold089 Thumbnail
Who: Dayna, Tarrant
Where: Scorpio flight deck
When: Watching Keiller.
Size: 53 Kb.
gold092 Thumbnail
Who: Dayna, Keiller, Tarrant
Where: Scorpio flight deck
When: Keiller: "It seems there's a lot I wasn't told."
Size: 74 Kb.

Blake's 7 is Copyright © BBC Enterprises Ltd