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Alias Smith & Jones
Character Index
Thumbnail Index

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Part 1
Part 2

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Alias Smith & Jones
Kid Curry, Hannibal Heyes
Exit From Wickenburg
part 2

The following are the captured images, with descriptive information. They are listed in the order in which they occur in the episode. All images are JPEG files.

exit111 Thumbnail
Where: Sloane's house
When: Heyes: "Look who's calling himself Willard R. Sloane."
Size: 59 Kb.
exit119 Thumbnail
Where: Street
When: Heyes: "No, I just don't think he had time to call them off."
Size: 44 Kb.
exit120 Thumbnail
Where: Street
When: Finrock: "I see you're finally leaving."
Size: 67 Kb.
exit122 Thumbnail
Where: Street
When: Curry: "We thought we'd try to find a town that was a little less exciting."
Size: 67 Kb.
exit124 Thumbnail
Where: Street
When: Mary: "I don't own the building, Mr. Sloane does."
Size: 59 Kb.
exit125 Thumbnail
Where: Road to Gila City
When: Riding.
Size: 65 Kb.

Alias Smith & Jones is Copyright © Universal Studios Inc.