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Blake's 7
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Thumbnail Index

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Blake's 7
Mission to Destiny

The following are the captured images, with descriptive information. They are listed in the order in which they occur in the episode. All images are JPEG files.

missn016 Thumbnail
Who: Gan, Jenna, Vila
Where: Liberator flight deck
When: Vila: "I don't like this."
Size: 52 Kb.
missn020 Thumbnail
Who: Vila, Gan
Where: Liberator flight deck
When: Vila: "You don't need me to come over."
Size: 53 Kb.
missn143 Thumbnail
Who: Blake, Vila
Where: Liberator flight deck
When: Vila: "All right, then, we'll start at the beginning."
Size: 52 Kb.
missn205 Thumbnail
Who: Vila, Blake, Jenna, Gan
Where: Liberator flight deck
When: Zen: "Detectors indicate a meteorite storm directly in Liberator's flight path."
Size: 56 Kb.
missn207 Thumbnail
Who: Vila, Jenna, Gan
Where: Liberator flight deck
When: Vila: "An intensity of twenty-seven is a lot of very fast rocks."
Size: 56 Kb.
missn211 Thumbnail
Who: Blake, Vila, Jenna, Gan
Where: Liberator flight deck
When: Zen: "It is within the maximum design tolerance, however, there would be no safety margin."
Size: 57 Kb.
missn232 Thumbnail
Who: Blake, Vila
Where: Liberator flight deck
When: Vila: "The detectors are swamped."
Size: 39 Kb.
missn249 Thumbnail
Who: Gan, Jenna, Vila
Where: Liberator flight deck
When: Gan: "Power reserves are almost gone."
Size: 59 Kb.
missn251 Thumbnail
Who: Blake, Vila
Where: Liberator flight deck
When: Blake: "Have the locators detected the outer edge of the storm yet?"
Size: 41 Kb.
missn255 Thumbnail
Who: Blake, Jenna, Vila, Gan
Where: Liberator flight deck
When: Blake: "Gan, deactivate the force wall."
Size: 53 Kb.
missn259 Thumbnail
Who: Jenna, Vila, Gan
Where: Liberator flight deck
When: Waiting for meteor impact.
Size: 58 Kb.
missn297 Thumbnail
Who: Vila, Jenna
Where: Liberator flight deck
When: Vila: "I don't think I feel very well."
Size: 58 Kb.
missn299 Thumbnail
Who: Blake, Vila, Jenna, Gan
Where: Liberator flight deck
When: Blake: "We've got to get back to them."
Size: 60 Kb.
missn300 Thumbnail
Who: Vila, Jenna
Where: Liberator flight deck
When: Vila: "Now I know I don't feel very well."
Size: 43 Kb.
missn320 Thumbnail
Who: Gan, Vila, Blake, Jenna
Where: Liberator flight deck
When: Zen: "Teleport range will be achieved in one minute."
Size: 62 Kb.
missn330 Thumbnail
Who: Gan, Sonheim, Jenna, Levett, Vila, Cally, Blake, Grovane, Kendall
Where: Liberator flight deck
When: Watching screen.
Size: 63 Kb.
missn335 Thumbnail
Who: Pasco, Vila, Sonheim, Cally, Kendall, Grovane, Blake
Where: Liberator flight deck
When: Blake: "Right, I think we can get you all home, now."
Size: 55 Kb.

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