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Keith Ford
A Question of Priorities

The following are the captured images, with descriptive information. They are listed in the order in which they occur in the episode. All images are JPEG files.

quest007 Thumbnail
Who: Alec Freeman, Keith Ford
Where: SHADO Control
When: Freeman: "Termination?"
Size: 51 Kb.
quest049 Thumbnail
Who: Keith Ford, Alec Freeman
Where: SHADO Control
When: Ford: "The aliens don't usually make that kind of mistake."
Size: 46 Kb.
quest053 Thumbnail
Who: Keith Ford, Ed Straker, Alec Freeman
Where: SHADO Control
When: Freeman: "Two UFOS. One veered off ten million miles away, the other one crashed."
Size: 44 Kb.
quest072 Thumbnail
Who: Keith Ford, Alec Freeman
Where: SHADO Control
When: Freeman: "Contact us the moment you have anything."
Size: 53 Kb.
quest075 Thumbnail
Who: Ed Straker, Keith Ford, Alec Freeman
Where: SHADO Control
When: Straker: "Maybe that UFO tried to decelerate and couldn't, because it had been hit."
Size: 54 Kb.
quest086 Thumbnail
Who: Keith Ford, Ed Straker, Alec Freeman
Where: SHADO Control
When: Listening to transmission.
Size: 56 Kb.
quest102 Thumbnail
Who: Keith Ford, Ed Straker, Alec Freeman
Where: SHADO Control
When: Straker: "Where's the transporter?"
Size: 49 Kb.
quest118 Thumbnail
Who: Keith Ford, Ed Straker, Alec Freeman
Where: SHADO Control
When: Straker: "Tell the mobiles to move in."
Size: 55 Kb.

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