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The Professionals
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The Professionals
Close Quarters
part 2

The following are the captured images, with descriptive information. They are listed in the order in which they occur in the episode. All images are JPEG files.

close094 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Julia
Where: Vicarage
When: Julia: "Bodie, they're armed."
Size: 96 Kb.
close097 Thumbnail
Who: Franz Myer, Sara Price, Bodie, Rev. Turnbull
Where: Vicarage
When: Bodie: "He's their leader, so they want him alive."
Size: 111 Kb.
close099 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Julia
Where: Vicarage
When: Bodie: "Sit tight and wait."
Size: 106 Kb.
close101 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Julia
Where: Vicarage
When: Bodie: "This is Julie, my girlfriend, and I'm Bodie."
Size: 97 Kb.
close104 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Julia
Where: Vicarage
When: Bodie: "Not like the Myer-Helmut group, eh?"
Size: 108 Kb.
close105 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Julia
Where: Vicarage
When: Bodie: "The end justifies the means, eh?"
Size: 97 Kb.
close107 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Sara Price, Franz Myer
Where: Vicarage
When: Myer: "He may even be fooling himself, but you have nothing to wait for, except death."
Size: 93 Kb.
close118 Thumbnail
Who: Julia, Franz Myer, Bodie
Where: Vicarage
When: Helmut: "To decimate it."
Size: 94 Kb.
close119 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Franz Myer
Where: Vicarage
When: Bodie: "Right, now you listen to me!"
Size: 74 Kb.
close120 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Franz Myer
Where: Vicarage
When: Bodie: "You decimate this door, and you decimate Myer along with it!"
Size: 89 Kb.
close122 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Franz Myer
Where: Vicarage
When: Myer: "Why be a hero? A dead hero? Do as she says."
Size: 92 Kb.
close131 Thumbnail
Who: Sara Price, Bodie
Where: Vicarage
When: At window.
Size: 96 Kb.
close134 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Sara Price, Julia, Franz Myer
Where: Vicarage
When: Julia: "Isn't that going to be too tight?"
Size: 105 Kb.
close135 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Sara Price, Franz Myer
Where: Vicarage
When: Bodie: "Quiet."
Size: 95 Kb.
close151 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Julia
Where: Vicarage
When: Julia: "Bodie, what was that noise?"
Size: 93 Kb.
close158 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Franz Myer
Where: Vicarage
When: Bodie: "What did you say?"
Size: 93 Kb.
close168 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Franz Myer
Where: Vicarage
When: Myer: "You and I, we are about the same age, perhaps."
Size: 104 Kb.
close181 Thumbnail
Who: Franz Myer, Bodie, Sara Price, Julia
Where: Vicarage
When: Bodie: "Organise games, singing, hmm?"
Size: 79 Kb.
close182 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Sara Price, Julia
Where: Vicarage
When: Bodie: "Keep us all occupied, interested."
Size: 104 Kb.
close184 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Sara Price
Where: Vicarage
When: Julia: "Shut up, Bodie."
Size: 104 Kb.
close185 Thumbnail
Who: Franz Myer, Bodie
Where: Vicarage
When: Bodie: "Yeah. Shut up, Bodie."
Size: 93 Kb.
close187 Thumbnail
Who: Sara Price, Bodie
Where: Vicarage
When: Bodie: "Not the Seventh Cavalry. Stay here."
Size: 102 Kb.
close198 Thumbnail
Who: Julia, Bodie
Where: Vicarage
When: Julia: "I saw it. He died."
Size: 103 Kb.
close200 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Sara Price
Where: Vicarage
When: Myer: "We're not so very different, are we?"
Size: 132 Kb.

The Professionals is Copyright © Mark 1 Productions