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Blake's 7 Image Library

Recent Top 25 Images

Total downloads in past four weeks: 4221

The table below lists the 25 most frequently downloaded images in the Blake's 7 library during the previous four weeks. Click on the thumbnail or the image name to see the full-sized image.

Rank Image Downloads Subject Thumbnail
1 seek063 21 Servalan seek063
2 avaln039 15 Jenna, Cally avaln039
3 star017 15 Jenna, Cally star017
4 volca168 8 Cally, other, Vila volca168
5 harv150 7 Servalan harv150
6 space140 6 Liberator space140
7 volca149 6 Tarrant, Dayna, other volca149
8 time146 5 Jenna time146
9 bount300 5 Blake, Jenna bount300
10 term042 5 Avon, Cally, Dayna, Vila, Tarrant term042
11 space135 4 Jenna space135
12 space138 4 Avon space138
13 time267 4 Cally time267
14 seek138 4 Travis, Cally seek138
15 avaln003 4 other avaln003
16 avaln034 4 other avaln034
17 bount030 4 Jenna, Avon bount030
18 shado046 4 Avon, other shado046
19 horiz142 4 Blake horiz142
20 killr076 4 Jenna, Blake killr076
21 keep059 4 Vila, Jenna keep059
22 star054 4 other, Servalan star054
23 volca200 4 Vila, Avon volca200
24 harv157 4 Servalan harv157
25 sand093 4 Dayna sand093

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Episode Rankings

The table below lists the number of downloads per episode in the Blake's 7 library during the previous four weeks.

 Rank   Title   Downloads  Graph: Downloads
 1   Sand  288
 2   Games  275
 3   Gold  255
 4   Killer  222
 5   Ultraworld  188
 6   Project Avalon  179
 7   Space Fall  170
 8   Blake  135
 9   Deliverance  127
 10   Time Squad  122
 11   Orac  101
 12   Seek-Locate-Destroy  99
 13   Powerplay  97
 14   Redemption  96
 15   Headhunter  96
 16   Weapon  92
 17   Duel  84
 18   Star One  84
 19   Volcano  78
 20   Shadow  73
 21   Terminal  71
 22   Bounty  70
 23   The Way Back  64
 24   Voice From the Past  63
 25   Aftermath  63
 26   Warlord  63
 27   Orbit  62
 28   Breakdown  61
 29   Children of Auron  58
 30   Death-Watch  52
 31   Mission to Destiny  51
 32   Hostage  51
 33   The Web  50
 34   Horizon  44
 35   Trial  44
 36   Cygnus Alpha  43
 37   Gambit  43
 38   Harvest of Kairos  43
 39   The Keeper  40
 40   Animals  39
 41   Dawn of the Gods  37
 42   Rumours of Death  35
 43   The City at the Edge of the World  33
 44   Pressure Point  30
 45   Power  27
 46   Moloch  25
 47   Stardrive  22
 48   Traitor  17
 49   Assassin  17
 50   Sarcophagus  16
 51   Countdown  13
 52   Rescue  13

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Character Rankings

The following table lists indexed characters by number of downloads during the past four weeks. The download value is awarded one point for each download of an image of that character alone, and fractional points for images of the character with others.

 Rank   Character   Downloads  Graph
1  Avon  721.97
2  Vila  361.94
3  Servalan  350.38
4  Blake  328.01
5  Jenna  300.43
6  Tarrant  245.04
7  Dayna  231.91
8  Cally  215.05
9  Soolin  208.55
10  Travis  136.08
11  Gan  72.33
12  Liberator  53.50
13  Orac  33.00
14  Scorpio  16.00

Webmaster: Lisa C. Williams.