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Blake's 7
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Thumbnail Index

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Blake's 7
Soolin, Tarrant, Vila

The following are the captured images, with descriptive information. They are listed in the order in which they occur in the episode. All images are JPEG files.

rescu137 Thumbnail
Who: Soolin, Dorian, Tarrant, Avon, Dayna, Vila
Where: Xenon base
When: Dorian kissing Soolin.
Size: 66 Kb.
rescu139 Thumbnail
Who: Soolin, Tarrant, Avon, Dayna, Vila, Dorian
Where: Xenon base
When: Soolin: "There are no others."
Size: 66 Kb.
rescu145 Thumbnail
Who: Vila, Tarrant, Dayna, Soolin
Where: Xenon base
When: Tarrant: "Seven glasses."
Size: 67 Kb.
rescu232 Thumbnail
Who: Tarrant, Soolin, Vila, Avon, Dayna
Where: Xenon, cave
When: Watching Dorian.
Size: 64 Kb.
rescu243 Thumbnail
Who: Tarrant, Soolin, Vila, Avon
Where: Xenon, cave
When: Looking at dead man.
Size: 49 Kb.

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